November 6, 2020
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The refrigerator is one of the most important and frequently used appliances in the home. While refrigerators are designed to last for a long time, it’s common for them to lose some of their performance and efficiency with regular use. The good news is that homeowners can make refrigerators last longer by taking a few proactive maintenance steps. Keep reading to learn about how to make your refrigerator last longer with help from an honest appliance repair company in St. Peters, MO. Increasing the lifespan of your refrigerator Most refrigerators last about 10 years, but that lifespan can vary significantly... View Article
October 14, 2020
Published by Writer
Ice machines are used everywhere from residential refrigerators to hotels, restaurants, bars and more. Like any appliance, they need to be carefully maintained to ensure they function properly and produce clean, safe ice. Since the FDA classifies ice as food, professional ice machines need to be cleaned and sanitized at least twice per year. If you have problems with your ice machine, call a local appliance repair company for ice maker repair in St. Peters, MO. Your ice machine is vital to your company’s operations—don’t risk going without. How to clean your ice machine’s interior Here are some tips for... View Article
September 30, 2020
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Unless you’re still in your freshman year of college, clean clothes are a necessity—but when your washing machine goes out unexpectedly, you might find yourself debating whether that t-shirt can go another day. Sometimes washing machine failure is completely unexpected, but most of the time, there are some common signs that it’s about to go out of commission. Read on to learn what to look for, then call your local washing machine repair company in St. Peters, MO: It’s noisier than usual: Sometimes your washing machine will make extra noise when the drum is off balance. If you’re hearing a... View Article
September 16, 2020
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How many times do you go to your fridge throughout the day? Do the majority of the groceries you buy require refrigeration? You and your family need access to a functional refrigerator to go about your busy lives. So, when your fridge stops working entirely, it’s cause for concern. It’s essential to keep an eye out for common fridge problems so you can call an expert about local refrigerator repairs in St. Peters, MO. The sooner you have any issues addressed, the less the repair work will cost you in the long run. Seven common problems with refrigerators While using... View Article
September 2, 2020
Published by Writer
It’s hard enough getting your whole family to sit down to enjoy a meal together at the end of a long, busy day. When you suddenly have to deal with an oven that refuses to function correctly, the whole meal goes out the window and you end up ordering pizza or another unhealthy substitute. Stick to your dinner plans by contacting quality oven repairmen in St. Peters, MO when your oven stops working. My oven isn’t working—now what? Like any appliance in your home, an oven may face any number of problems over the years. Trying to diagnose and fix... View Article