Avoid These Common Mistakes While Using Your Oven

January 7, 2019 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you have a home oven and you cook regularly, then you know it’s easy to miss just how dirty the inside is getting. Smoke, steam, food spatter and oil pops are all contributors. However, it’s more than just a visual problem—stuck-on food debris and caked on grease not only creates unsightly messes, but can also affect the taste and smell of your food. What can you do to ensure your oven lasts a long time without problems and always produces delicious dishes? Clean it and use it correctly! Here’s a look at five of the most common operating and... View Article

Things to Consider for Your Garage Refrigerator and Freezer

December 19, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

It’s a common practice for homeowners—having a second refrigerator in the garage to use for beverages and extra storage. It might seem like a simple setup job. All you need to do is put your fridge in the garage in the desired space and plug it in, right? Unfortunately, it’s not always this easy. You’ll need to be aware of potential conditions that could affect the refrigerator’s performance, as well as the performance of the freezer. Here are a few tips from a company specializing in refrigerator repair in St. Peters, MO. Temperature of your garage The most common problem... View Article

Tips for Washing Machine Maintenance in St. Peters, MO

December 5, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Your washing machine likely gets a lot of use. You put a pretty significant investment into the equipment when you purchased it, so it’s important that you do what you can to stay on top of your maintenance and avoid the need for washing machine repair in St. Peters, MO to ensure it will last you for years to come. Even some small steps can make a big difference in the amount of wear and tear your washer experiences. Here are a few tips for good washing machine maintenance to keep your equipment in good condition: Don’t overload your washer:... View Article

Clean Your Washing Machine and Improve Its Longevity

November 30, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

Most homeowners rely on the washing machine to keep their clothing fresh, clean and smelling great—that is, until one day when the clothes come out of the washer still smelling dirty, or even like they had been sitting too long. Unfortunately, this happens when people forget the machine itself needs to be kept clean to ensure their clothes get clean. Forgetting to clean the washer can not only result in poor clothes cleaning, but also leaking and even unexpected breakdowns, leaving you with no choice but to call a professional for washing machine repair in St. Peters, MO. Here’s how... View Article

Read This Before Using Your Oven’s Self-Cleaning Feature

November 16, 2018 Published by Leave your thoughts

A spotless oven is a rare sight. Most people’s ovens are stained with spills, messes and crumbs. These remnants are a reminder of meals past and memorable kitchen experiences. Unfortunately, they’re also quite challenging to clean. Scrubbing the burnt-on leftovers from the bottom or sides of an oven can take hours and a lot of elbow grease. Restoring the oven to its original level of cleanliness can feel like an impossible task. That’s why many homeowners turn to the self-cleaning feature on their ovens. This feature presents itself as the perfect solution to the mess hiding behind the oven door.... View Article