3 Big Things to Look for When Buying a Refrigerator
Buying a new refrigerator is a big decision. It can be a big expense on your monthly budget; it’s something you will use and depend on every single day; and it will take up a lot of space in your home. When you’re in the market for a new refrigerator purchase, there are a few things you should consider before busting out the credit card.
A new refrigerator should be something that’s easy on the eyes, since it is likely going to be in a prominent place in your home—the kitchen. It should also be the right size to hold all the food your family needs and to fit into the space it’s destined for. You should also consider the features you need or want in a refrigerator now and a few years from now. Finally, you should be aware of how much energy the unit will consume and what that will cost you on your energy bill month to month and year to year.
Here are some details on these big things to look for when buying a new refrigerator:
Size is probably the first thing you should consider when looking at refrigerators to buy. The first question you should ask is, “Will this fit into the refrigerator space?” If it’s a secondary fridge destined for the garage or anywhere that’s not the kitchen, there might be more wiggle room here. But if it’s destined for the kitchen, there may be a very specific space that will not be able to accommodate a refrigerator of a different size.
The next thing to consider regarding size is how much energy it will use. In general, a larger refrigerator will require more energy. The most efficient models are usually 16 to 20 cubic feet.
Energy usage
Speaking of energy efficiency, there are a few things you should look for if you’re trying to maximize the efficiency of your new refrigerator. The first thing to look for is the Energy Star logo. This denotes that the unit meets a certain set of criteria to qualify as an energy-efficient design. For comparison, a 15-year-old refrigerator uses 33 percent more energy than a new Energy Star-certified model. Considering the average 12-year lifespan of a refrigerator, that’s a big savings on the unit’s carbon footprint. And, of course, this will save you money on your energy bill, too.
For the most energy-efficient unit, look for a refrigerator with a top-mounted freezer. This will end up giving you a significant saving on your annual energy bill.
New refrigerators are chock full of features these days. Everything from internet connectivity to automatically-refilled purified water pitchers can be options in a given model. While it may be fun to imagine having all these features, it’s important to consider if you really need those extras at the price tag they carry.
If you need advice on purchasing a new refrigerator, or if you want to get more life out of your current model by having it repaired, contact the experts at Crews Appliance Repair today.
Categorised in: Refrigerator Repair
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