Categories for Appliance Service

Why Is My Refrigerator Freezing Food?

September 22, 2017 Published by Leave your thoughts

If you open your fridge one day and find that the items are covered in frost or frozen completely solid, you’re probably going to be concerned. While food items in your fridge are meant to be kept cold, freezing them may change the texture, taste or longevity of your food, so you don’t want to keep them too cold! Plus, frozen food in your fridge may indicate that your refrigerator is broken, which is an appliance headache nobody wants to deal with. Before you pick up the phone and call for refrigerator repair in St. Peters, MO, though, you can... View Article

Call an Appliance Service Company in St. Peters, MO When You Need Repairs

August 15, 2016 Published by Leave your thoughts

It is often tempting to open up your washer or oven yourself when something goes wrong. However, taking the do-it-yourself route rather than calling an appliance service company in St. Peters, MO could cost you more money than it seems to save. When your appliances have issues, call Crews Appliance Repair instead and avoid these scenarios: Voiding warranties. Many appliances and electronics contain provisions in their warranties that void that protection if you attempt to make repairs yourself. Hiring a professional keeps those warranties intact and may save you money. Paying us anyway to fix your mistakes. Appliances are more... View Article